Sunday 19 August 2018

Breamish Valley

Breamish Valley From Brough Law

The Breamish Valley is a beautiful river valley winding its way through the high rolling Cheviot Hills. The combination of steep sided dramatic hills, a peaceful river and quaint villages create the perfect backdrop for what can be both an exhilarating or relaxing day out.

The hills are littered with the remans of hill forts and burial grounds from the Neolithic and Bronze Age making the valley one of England's most important archeological areas. The hill fort trail starting on Brough Law is the ideal way to uncover the valley's hidden secrets.

The beautiful Linhope Spout is a short walk from Hartside (where the valley road reaches an end), deep in the hills and is a stunning sight. The River Breamish meanders its way along the valley floor, the wide grassy banks creating the perfect picnic spots along the way from the steep sided valley near Linhope to the gentler slopes at Ingram.

Cheviot Hills

Breamish Valley

Hill Fort On Brough Law

View From Brough Law

Near Linhope

Linhope Spout

River Breamish Near Bulby's Wood

River Breamish Near Bulby's Wood

River Breamish At Ingram

The Breamish Valley is a wonderful tranquil spot and is the ideal place to walk, cycle, climb and picnic. Below are some of the things to see and do whilst visiting the valley.

Brough Law


Ingram to Brough Law walk

Linhope Spout

Linhope Spout Walk

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