Sunday, 15 July 2018

Twizel Castle

Twizel Castle
Twizel Castle is a small derelict castle situated on a small hill overlooking the River Till and Twizel Bridge, close to the Scottish border, and just off the A698 between Berwick-Upon-Tweed and Cornhill-on-Tweed.

All that remains are the derelict remains of an unfinished 18th century castle. The gardens contain the remains of the old medieval village of Twizel. The site originally housed a medieval tower house which was destroyed in 1496 by the army of James IV of Scotland. The Heron family sold the estate in 1520 to the Selby family. Only minimal remains of the tower are visible today. In 1638 the estate was purchased by Sir Francis Blake whose family lived on the estate until moving to Tilmouth Hall in 1738. From 1770 Sir Francis Blake attempted to rebuild the castle into a five level mansion, however,  it was never completed and in 1882 the Blakes built a new mansion in Tilmouth Park using stone from the demolished castle.

The castle is not open to the public but the remains can be viewed from a public footpath. To visit the castle leave Cornhill-on-Tweed on the A698 heading towards Berwick-Upon-Tweed. After about 4.8 miles you will go over the River Till. To your left is Twizel Bridge.

Park in the lay-by on the left by the bridge where you will see a footpath heading uphill. Make your way uphill through the trees until reaching a field at the top where you will find the remans of Twizel Castle. The castle occupies a peaceful position overlooking the river.

Twizel Bridge

River Till

Twizel Castle


Twizel Castle

Other Castles Nearby
   Norham Castle
       Etal Castle
     Berwick Castle

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