Thursday, 28 May 2020

May In Paxton And The Borders

"Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May...".

Indeed, that has been the case here for this May - bitterly cold winds have been a regular feature despite some bright days, interspersed with unseasonably grey days too. The heating has been used far more than would be expected. As I said back in February, wind is my least favourite aspect of weather. We’ve had loads of it this year, the last four months have all been blighted.

Oddly, though, there have been a couple of really hot days appearing every couple of weeks and the garden growth expected in May has occurred - the last of the tulips were still around at the end of the month, just, although most of them had gone by mid-month. The hedgerow seemed to go from brown to green literally overnight, the Montana clematis displays are spectacular, as is the ceanothus and the azaleas are in full bloom too. It is a shame not everything comes into flower at the same time, but that is the way it is.

This time of year is not great for hay fever sufferers like us but we can't deny that the colours of the bright yellow oil seed rape fields are stunning as too is the intoxicating scent. That goes for the appetite-inspiring aroma of wild garlic too.

Down at the river families of ducks with their chicks are enjoying their life, oblivious to human viruses.

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