Saturday 13 March 2021

St Abb's Head Walk

This walk around St Abb's Head is a wonderful way to watch the birdlife whilst enjoying the stunning views out to sea. Starting at the car park near the National Trust Centre this walk will take you up onto the cliffs to the lighthouse and back to the car park via Mire Loch.

1. Leave the car park and follow the road towards St Abbs passing the church on your right. Take a footpath signposted on the left and follow the path to the cliffs.

St Abb's Church

2. It is a bit of a climb up onto the cliffs near Kirk Hill but the views are worth it. The cliff faces are teeming with birdlife and the views back to St Abbs are fantastic.

View Of St Abbs

3. Continue along the cliff top admiring the views until you reach the lighthouse. At the lighthouse walk down to the car park below and follow the road which will turn left and inland.


4.  Continue along this road, which in spring is covered with gorse and hopping rabbits. The Loch will appear on your left as the road heads downhill to the bay of Pettico Wick.

Mire Loch

Pettico Wick

5. At the bottom follow the road to the left and continue along the side of the Loch. There is a footpath here that will take you to banks of the Loch if you do not wish to take the road. Proceed along the road or path with the Loch on your left. When the Loch reaches the end turn right onto a path/road and follow this through a farm and back to the car park.

The Banks Of Mire Loch

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