Monday, 21 November 2022

June/July 2022 Heatwave


In the years that we have been living in Paxton the summers have been generally warm and equable, a few hot days when we have cycled for miles in shorts and short sleeved tops and some unseasonably cold days. This year however was somewhat different. In past years when the South of England has been sweltering in high temperatures we have thought ourselves lucky that summers here are different. We thought we had escaped the extreme summer heat for a more temperate climate. 

In June and July 2022 the temperatures in the South of Britain started to climb, and as they did so did the temperatures in the rest of the UK. Although the temperature here never climbed as high as other areas we experienced heat that we had never known here before. We managed to to cycle early one morning before it got too hot and then retreated back into the cool of the house. it was too hot to sit in the garden and on opening the door we were met with a wall of heat. Even our cats who usually love the sunny weather was overheated and spent most of the days in our thankfully relatively cool lounge.  

Thankfully, although it was dry for some time we did eventually have some rain and the garden flourished, yielding its beautiful summer blooms. 

June 2022

June 2022

June 2022

July 2022

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