Saturday, 1 August 2020

July In Paxton And The Borders

It hasn't been a good July - lots of grey, overcast skies, rain and some unseasonably strong, destructive wind. After a nice couple of days at the end of June things have been decidedly un-summery, but we can't complain too much as we prefer an equable temperature to a boiling hot one. 

Mid-July saw seemingly interminable grey and dreich rain and several consecutive days of heavier rain towards the end of the month. A few days every now and again briefly lifted the gloom, but not for long. 

In the garden, by the middle to end of the month the roses had finished their May/June flush as had the lupins and rhododendrons. July, although obviously a summer month, is nowhere near as colourful a month as its two predecessors. In the fields, as is usual here, the farmers begin baling their hay earlier than in Southern England, for example, so some golden early autumnal vistas are prevalent while we are still in mid summer. 

Apart from some necessary chopping down in the garden, July has been a month that nothing much happened. An eminently forgettable one, unfortunately, although the sun finally arrived on the 31st. 

Cocklawburn Beach

Wild Flowers, Near Cocklawburn Beach

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