Sunday 10 March 2019


The attractive market town of Stamford is situated on the River Welland in Lincolnshire, just a short distance from the county of Rutland. This historic town is home to five medieval and parish churches and numerous 17th and 18th century stone houses and old timber-framed buildings. . The banks of the attractive river, winding its way around the town are prefect for a leisurely stroll. Burghley House is situated not for from the town and is well worth a visit.

The Romans built Ermine Street, a Roman Road and forded the River Welland to the west of Stamford, building a town to the north of Great Casterton on the River Gwash. However the Anglo-Saxons decided that the River Welland was a more important rived and chose Stanford as their main town and in 972 Stamford was made a borough. Although Stamford was a walled town only a small portion remains today. In 1075 a Norman Castle was built which was demolished in 1484. The town was originally a pottery centre but by the Middle Ages it had become famous for its production of wool. 

The town is littered with historical buildings and churches and has hosted an annual fair since the MiddleAges.  Stamford is a wonderful place to visit, an oasis full of history and charm just a train ride away from the hustle and bustle of the neighbouring town of Peterborough.

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